The Butthurt thread

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The Butthurt thread

Post by E_ »

...sometimes when you run a successful page you get a few bad apples. And those bad apples usually congregate in the same place. Most will go away and accuse you of exactly what they were doing. Lets clear up a few things. :-)

We will follow the thread of pain where I guess its good that some of these people can get a good cry out. I'll put my comments here where they are public and not hiding in a closed group.

Back Story
This spurred today off of a 9-11 post where a fellow posted photos if from 9-11 when he was in New York. That post was followed by two individuals using it as a spring board to try to state that I or the mods would delete the post and then used it to advertise another facebook group. When I deleted their divisive comments to bring it back to focus on 9-11 well melt downs happened.

The following numbered items below will correlate to the order of things posted in the picture below them it may be easier to follow this by bringing up in one browser the numbered items below and then the other browser the picture so that you can see their comments in my response. Enjoy

1 - I am not "pissed off" about a Lake Cumberland Trump Train page. lol
Yes I did block someone from that page that seemed to hate it anyway and it TRIGGERRED lol them into a melt down and caused the others previously triggered to join in.

2 - RC Evans your comment was deleted but I do not see where anyone blocked you. I am sorry you were mislead by someone. No one is being blocked because they are a in the trump train group. I would join but the hostility seems pretty heavy and I have enough negativity in my life.
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An admin removed RC Evans's comment and sent them details.
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RC Evans's comment

RC Evans commented on Matt Brown's post: "So you are blocking people from this group from the Trump Train Group!??!! Please make me next!! As I am a big supporter of free speech!!".
2 hrs
Group rules that were violated
Stick to Lake Cumberland boating and attractions in the area
Non Lake Cumberland posts may be deleted at random. Sometimes I let non Lake Cumberland specific items stay or sometimes someone will post one and relate it to what is going on at the lake. Join for other chit chat and fun.
Additional notes from the admins
Furthermore RC you have made a comment on a business owner (not me) that is untruthful and yes this may feel like it proves CN correct but it is what it is, that comments is slanderous and appears to have proof is a causing people to not select that business. Might want to hope they turn a blind eye to it. ;)

Terri, I can post what I sent you if you like then all can see the truth of the message instead of what you seem to be trying to portray as hate against the President and butt hurt.

Terri and all, the mod team is composted of Trump Lovers, Trump Supporters, and people that are liberal and all in between. Its called balance and we keep each other in check.

Chap A Rral if I blocked you years ago maybe I should from the other groups again. I was thinking about asking you what it was about and changing that status just yesterday but... Oh Well.

Oh Chris Nutter. I see you are still calling me names in your safe places. How many in person discussions have we had and we both agreed to be nice and you would get away and spew more hate. Even your own friends know this about you. I don't hate you but I do have to say its annoying.

Terri - No I have not been harassing you, you act like I have been after you for days, months, years. Instead today was my first interaction with you and it was brief.

3 - Steve Boyer, what wrath? Just asking someone to NOT stir things up in a 9-11 thread and have respect? Here are the exact details for those that just want to know.
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Steve Boyer's comment

Steve Boyer commented on Jim Chriswell's post: "Thanks for sharing. You might want to share it over on the New site for Lake Cumberland Boaters so you don't risk censorship, removal, muting or being banned from the site for not following the rules.".
7 hrs
Additional notes from the admins
Wow... Just wow. Using a 9-11 post to advertise a new site. That is low ....very very very low. Maybe you should go into politics if not there already. Eric Hillman
Funny thing is no one has even removed you. Just the out of context advertisement.

4 - Thomas Buckley - fair enough. But the group seems to be doing fine. Believe it or not we get told by BOTH sides that we are for the other. About to address that with Don and Terri as we move forward in this fun post. lol

Terri, you may be the control freak already planning to ban me if I show up to your group even if I do nothing wrong. And I have not cried yet. :) But you seem to be very upset.

5 - Sarah, I'm all good. Thanks. lol

6 - lol

7 - Kathryn. Nope you are all good. Don't believe the fake news. Your account is still there. Don't see anything int he logs where you have had any issues with anyone :)
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8 - Christopher - I am apparently the focus of several people with bumhurt. lol
Terri - nope I have a nice job but I DO love Lake Cumberland and love helping people with info on it and sharing photos and vids from it. :)

9- Rance - No one has a issue with the TrumpTrain page for what it is. However I guess seeing a long thread of lies etc. is a little disturbing.
Terri, if you think you compete with it. Well thats cute. lol We are all inclusive and love all people, races, cultures, and political backgrounds that share our love for Lake Cumberland.

10 - Eric W - I guess it could, we are working on the trademark as I type as last year there were issues with Trademark Engine. But we have a new team on it and they just emailed me today. It is a slow process with the USPTO. What we do have is an implied tradmark on Lake Cumberland Boaters as we were the only and first to use it and can show business transactions with the name back to 2008. have a nice day and hope you enjoy our page.

Its ok Wendy you are only 11 years late.

11 - Good for you Mike, at least you self deleted or claim to have. Sorry that I want that page friendly for ALL ages and backgrounds. Glad you found somewhere where you don't have to be polite to others. lol

12- Don. Ohhh Don, yes I remember your name and your posts. lol Tell the full story.
a - Terri I didn't but yes I found it
b - Chris - Sure will, I have friends too ;)
c - Why would I?
d - When people are slanderous and defamatory and don't stop I guess that is an option especially when it is true harassment. And no you never offered to settle it in person but yes we did meet in person several times and you agreed to be cool and so did I. I have held my end of the bargain. I'm sorry you hate still for not letting you bash another website that I had no control over. Fun fact kids reading along. That same website had banned me too. Guess what, I created my own and didn't say anythin mean about it or it moderators. In fact now some of its mods are mods on Lake Cumberland Boaters. ...imaging that. Keepin it classy.
e - Terri, good luck with that. I have a feelign you have realized you can't even see my account now. ;-)

13 - Kathy, I have no idea what you are talking about. Was it a video with explicit things as the mods are instructed to remove those especially without a advisory notice

14 - Don, lets get truthful you were removed for reasons other than trying to bring everyone together. lol

15 - lol @ Wince, droppin truth bombs

16 - Katie - true it is tiring when people got offended by them and couldnt just scoll on by. I am fine with the new group. Saying I am upset is fake news. I have no problem with the group. Just some of the posts that took away from 9-11 and other attacks that are unwarranted.
Don - eyeroll
Katie - I'm not :)
Chris - ummmm I knew you for years and have proof of years of trying to give you a chance and you know as they told you. YOUR OWN FRIENDS told me to go ahead and ban you as you just couldn't chill. So if by next day you mean years. Yeah um yeah thats it. lol

17 - Brent glad you do?

18 - Don - No one is trying to silence standing up for the president maybe you should check out oh wait you may be banned there too lol

19 - Dinah - I can't anyway the group is a closed group where people hide behind masks.

20 - Don - yeah thats what all of this is about. Glad you figured it out

21 - Don - I do my best to take down any bashing of ANYONE from ANYWHERE. Locals think I am from Ohio and hate them and angry people form Ohio think I am from KY and hate Ohians. just wow anything than to take responsibility for your own issues.

22 - Yes and guess what one of those Trump hating mods knows the owners and loves them and their boat.
Don if you repeat that is what it is then maybe even you will believe it.
Teri the mods part has been covered.
Don maybe I do
Terri its all about keeping a lake cumberland page about lake cumberland
Sondra - nope nothing Elite about us.

23 - Tim you are most certainly wrong.

To the admins of the page ...and Teri - its a shame such a nice page is just used to hate on another page that is full of like minded people that sticks as best it can to its group rules.
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Re: The Butthurt thread

Post by re3too »

Unbelievable! WTH is wrong with these people? I can't believe what small, petty deplorable lives these folks must have. The sad part is, the good Lord says I must pray for them (as if I don't already have enough to do)! I have never been so concerned about our country as I am now with these folks breathing and breeding! God help us all! :-\ :( :-o X( #:-s :ymsigh:
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Re: The Butthurt thread

Post by E_ »

And embarrasses me Barb because as you know I certainly lean well into the conservative side and here people like I and others that I know are really supporting the walk away Campaign which supports the Republican side and people moving to it because of them being more open to diversity and welcoming of people and not as judgmental as the liberal side has been historically. But here are just blatant post of people one making decisions off of nothing reacting to someone's meltdown in another's being opportunistic. Anyways you say it said all around and I agree I'm just hoping some of this helps give some answers to some that were wondering. It's a shame it's normally I probably would have joined that page as you know LOL but certainly not a page that supports people being that nasty. Which is exactly why one of those people in the comments it's not on this page anymore because of their nastiness against others. And furthermore to say others that I didn't necessarily like either at the time but I wasn't stooping to that level. There's been a few updates since my post but not enough to post any more just yet.

please excuse any errors excetera or anything that doesn't make any sense above as I did this using voice to text
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Re: The Butthurt thread

Post by TheOneAndOnlyROOSTER »

With fame & popularity also comes resentment & dislike from some; I have experienced this several times while having one of the quickest boats on the lake & several very nice cars; not to mention being incredibly handsome.

I at first would reply back, now I just laugh & move on!
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Re: The Butthurt thread

Post by Nebrios »

sheesh...i go on a hiatus and look at what I miss
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Re: The Butthurt thread

Post by E_ »

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Re: The Butthurt thread

Post by Fall Creek »

I think they all need to get a job!!! Who the hell has time to sit on facebook all day and carry these conversations????

It's really sad that so many people have to belittle others to make themselves feel better.

Eric, all I can say is that nobody likes it when Dad tells them they're wrong so now they have to throw a tantrum..... If I were you I wouldn't give them another minute of your time.
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Re: The Butthurt thread

Post by E_ »

I haven't, I did troll them a bit and the ones that were all sassy I dropped from my group as why would I want to harbor such people. lol They tried to say I was deleting all members of that group. But I wasn't. Just the ones that were being dorks to me as I knew it would setup their crazy train. lol I still love that I am called a Liberal. ROFL. rofl rofl.
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Re: The Butthurt thread

Post by E_ »

The Butthurt gang continue to send minions to the Lake Cumberland Boaters group to stir it up. lol They can send them all if they want. Even if every member they have was a member of the group and I banned them all I think it would still leave our group above 30k. ;-) Wish they would unbunch their panties and quit the cyberbully crybaby junk. I don't know why adults can't understand that it may be best to leave polarized politics off a Boating group. There is the rest of their own facebook page and whatever group they want to create for it. And to falsely accuse and assume people's political standing is just a hair brained. .... :-) Carry on. :-)
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Re: The Butthurt thread

Post by Sunset Lady »

Unfortunately, politics, is in everything now. I am so tired of it. There is so much anger now, it's really sad.
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