Boating: Safety first, know 'rules of the road

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Boating: Safety first, know 'rules of the road

Post by E_ » ... 6/1003/ACC

Boating: Safety first, know 'rules of the road'

Feb. 15, 2014 |

I have on occasion spoken to skippers who have been boating for years and didn’t realize how little they really knew about safe boating until they took a boating course.

Some folks like me basically used their boats as a fishing platform and had very little knowledge of the “rules of the road” and other safe boating rules. Some came from areas of the country where they did all of their boating on lakes and when they arrived in Southwest Florida discovered how different boating was here.

Choosing to boat safely and having your boat equipped with the required equipment is the No. 1 requirement after a basic boating education. This safety equipment will be important in an emergency situation where help is at a distance, or you may be able assist a fellow boater in distress.

I know it’s tempting to get out on the water, even when weather conditions are not favorable for boating. Your free time might be limited, but getting out and discovering a front moving in will not only spoil your day but could be outright hazardous. There are several places to get future and current weather reports, including: NOAA radio weather, AM and FM radio, TV, computers and newspapers. Even with today’s high-tech weather forecasts, there’s no substitute for the time-honored practice of scanning the horizon for changes in wind, waves, water and skies that signal developing weather patterns.

Before starting the boats engines, make sure you run the blower and never start an inboard engine before sniffing for fuel vapors in the bilge. A nose is a reliable detector of gasoline fumes. The fumes from half a cup of gasoline, if ignited, can destroy the boat and everyone on it.

Before getting underway, make sure everyone on board is seated except the ones handling the dock lines. Wind and current will influence the way you leave the dock

• Wind or current from ahead or off pier: push bow away from pier and move ahead slowly into a broad turn.

• Wind or current from astern: push the stern away and back the boat away enough to clear the pier.

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• Wind or current towards the pier: use an after bow spring (a dock line leading aft from the bow to the pier) move forward slowly steering toward the pier. When the stern moves out release the spring line and back out.

When docking or landing your boat think ahead and go slow and observe the wind and current direction. Put your fenders out and maintain just enough speed to have rudder control.

• With wind or current ahead or astern: the bow line should be looped over the dock cleat or piling. Move slowly ahead. Use right rudder when placed port side too, left rudder if docking to starboard.

• With wind and current off the pier: approach at a 15-20 degree angle and fasten bow line to pier. Turn rudder toward pier and put engine in reverse to bring in stern.

• With wind or current towards pier: come along side and the wind or current will push you in.

Whether you are new to boating or just want to refresh you boating knowledge sigh up for America’s Boating Course offered by The Cape Coral Sail and Power Squadron. Come in, call or visit our website for details The Cape Coral Sail and Power Squadron, 917 SE 47st Terrace, 549-9754,, Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-noon.

Past Commander Bill Jefferson, Cape Coral Sail and Power Squadron
Buy American, the job you save just might be your own.
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