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Air Force dumped remains of 274 troops in landfill

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:59 am
by kdfwr911
The incinerated partial remains of at least 274 American troops were dumped in a Virginia landfill, according to government records, The Washington Post reported on Thursday.

Air Force officials said that the dumping was hidden from families who had given authorization for the remains to be disposed of in a respectful and dignified manner, according to the newspaper.

There were no plans to inform families, officials told the newspaper.

New information revealed that the practice, exposed by The Washington Post in November, had become very widespread until it was halted in 2008, the newspaper reported.

Last month, Pentagon and Air Force officials said that figuring out how many remains were sent to the King George County, Va., landfill would take combing through the records of more than 6,300 troops.

"It would require a massive effort and time to recall records and research individually," Jo Ann Rooney, the Pentagon's acting undersecretary for personnel, said in a Nov. 22 letter to Rep. Rush Holt (Dem.-N.J.), who has pressured the Pentagon for information on the issue on behalf of one of his constituents, according to the newspaper.

Holt reacted angrily to the news, the newspaper reported.

"What the hell?" he told the Post. "We spent millions, tens of millions, to find any trace of soldiers killed, and they're concerned about a 'massive' effort to go back and pull out the files and find out how many soldiers were disrespected this way?"

"They just don't want to ask questions or look very hard," he added, according to the newspaper.

According to records the military gave The Post, between 2003 and 2008, 976 fragments from 274 personnel were cremated, incinerated and dumped in the landfill. An additional 1,762 remains, which could not be DNA tested because of damage from explosions, were gathered from the battlefield and dumped in a similar manner, the Air Force told the newspaper.

The widow of an Army sergeant killed in Iraq told the newspaper she was furious when a morgue she was told how some of her husband's remains were dumped in the landfill.

"They have known that they were doing something disgusting, and they were doing everything they could to keep it from us," Gari-Lynn Smith told the newspaper. She had been pressing the military for information on the subject for four years — ever since she got a report on her husband's autopsy and learned that some of the remains had not been put in the casket for his funeral, according to The Post.

Changes in disposal policies came about after an in-depth review at Dover was ordered in 2008 by then-Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

Re: Air Force dumped remains of 274 troops in landfill

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:07 am
by Nervous Wreck
Just finished reading that! Pretty d@mn sad if you ask me!! X(

Re: Air Force dumped remains of 274 troops in landfill

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:12 am
by E_
Somebody needs a @$$ whoopin! Then they need fired and another @$$ whoopin!

Re: Air Force dumped remains of 274 troops in landfill

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:21 am
by re3too
:ymsigh: :ymsigh:

Re: Air Force dumped remains of 274 troops in landfill

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:38 pm
by pourme
It's out of control. The country we were proud of is long gone. Just try to survive here now. Folks I am a patriot but not of the country I live in now. Its hard for me to put my hand on my heart duing the anthem, say the pledge, etc anymore. Its just a memory.

Re: Air Force dumped remains of 274 troops in landfill

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:42 pm
by E_
It makes me put it on my heart harder to carry the memory and to hope others will finally step up. Please don't give up D!

Re: Air Force dumped remains of 274 troops in landfill

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:18 pm
by re3too
E_HILLMAN wrote:It makes me put it on my heart harder to carry the memory and to hope others will finally step up. Please don't give up D!
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut! E's right on this one. Never give up...that's what the ba$tards are hoping we will do! :ymsigh: :ymsigh:

Re: Air Force dumped remains of 274 troops in landfill

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:34 pm
by Nervous Wreck
I'm sure there are laws against this type of action! (abuse of a corpse)
What gives them the right to be 'above' the laws?

Class action lawsuit by "Americans"!

Any attorneys care to comment?

Re: Air Force dumped remains of 274 troops in landfill

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:56 pm
by katie
:( This is so wrong in so many ways.... It would be interesting to find out who "authorized" this action! :@) :@)