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Anybody catch this?

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:37 pm
by $parechange
Letterman offers Brad Stevens his salary to coach Ball State
By Jeff Eisenberg

Brad Stevens knows he'll receive some phone calls from prospective employers the next couple days, but he probably didn't expect the lucrative offer he received from David Letterman during Tuesday night's show. (Appears at the 4:45 mark of the video clip)

"I'll give you a year of my pay if you take the coaching position at Ball State," said Letterman, a Cardinals alum who reportedly receives $31 million a year from CBS.

"You know what, they have an outstanding coach and a terrific person up there in Billy Taylor," the ever-polite Stevens replied. "He's going to get it done up there."

Stevens appeared on Letterman's show from Hinkle Fieldhouse the day after Butler's heart-wrenching 61-59 loss to Duke in the national title game. The 33-year-old coach took some ribbing for his boyish appearance, Letterman finishing the interview by telling Stevens to "go drink some chocolate milk."

Although Stevens wouldn't take any jabs at Mike Krzyzewski or Tom Izzo when Letterman set him up, he did have a decent line when asked about Butler's lengthy scoring droughts in the second half of both Final Four games.

Deadpanned Stevens, "We'd never been to a Final Four, so I didn't realize they'd put a lid on the basket for 10 minutes in the second half."