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When the idiot in chief talk about the fat cats...

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 11:47 am
by Islander_212
He always plays the class warfare card and how the Wall Street Fat Cats live off the sweat of the brow of the working man... In 2011 they asked for a record $60 Million for the White House budget along with a staff of nearly 500 people! Now who pays for this? Do we really need to be footing this bill? This is only for the residence of the him and the family. It takes about $1.5 Billion to run the whole deal each year... How can you take them serious when they say the corporate execs are the true enemy of the middle class? If he truly was worried about us then I am sure this budget could have been pared way back. This is from the 2011 documentary "It is good to be president". You should all watch this... It has not always been this way, years ago the presidents had to pay for most of the their day to day expenses themselves. Many left the office in debt.

Re: When the idiot in chief talk about the fat cats...

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 3:34 pm
by imaposer
Islander_212 wrote: It has not always been this way, years ago the presidents had to pay for most of the their day to day expenses themselves. Many left the office in debt.

Since I don't see a source link for the whole post, I'm assuming those are your original thoughts.
Could you point out a source for the information for the part I quoted? I can't seem to find anything showing where that is the case.

Re: When the idiot in chief talk about the fat cats...

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 10:19 pm
by Islander_212
imaposer wrote:

Since I don't see a source link for the whole post, I'm assuming those are your original thoughts.
Could you point out a source for the information for the part I quoted? I can't seem to find anything showing where that is the case.
It was in the same documentary... They listed a couple of different named presidents that spent several thousand dollars out of their pockets, I did not catch the names, also mentioned one who had to hire his own secretary, etc. Did speak about Carter actually letting go of staff that were un-needed and taking other measures to reduce the exorbitant costs, of course we know that did not help him at all with the voters... It was on the History Channel I think and I am sure they will show it again.