Lame duck session

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Lame duck session

Post by $parechange »

Pelosi/Reid "lame duck" session of Congress is set to begin this Monday.

Yesterday, Nancy Pelosi actually held a party to "celebrate" the "accomplishments" of Congress under her leadership. This Monday, Pelosi is bringing Congress back to town for one last attempt to cram through as much of her big-government agenda as possible. Of course, Harry Reid will have the Senate back in D.C. as well. This "Zombie Congress" will have dozens of losers already rejected by the voters. But it also will have many members up for re-election in 2012 scared of what happened to their colleagues.

Our goal for the "lame duck" is simple:

*Avoid a huge tax increase by extending the current tax rates for every American. No compromise can be made on this issue. No tax hikes on investors, retirees, small businesses, or "the rich" in a weak economy. No death tax. No alternative minimum tax.

*Do not pass any new legislation that supports or funds the Left's global warming agenda, the bailout for union pensions, funding for the Obama/Pelosi health care takeover or any other part of their agenda that was just repudiated by the American people in decisive fashion
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