This is chilling ...

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Nervous Wreck
Posts: 1421
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This is chilling ...

Post by Nervous Wreck »

President Truman
established one day a year as a
"National Day of Prayer."

resident Reagan
designated the
First Thursday in May of each year as
the National Day of Prayer.

In June
Candidate Barack Obama
declared that the USA Was no longer a
Christian nation.

This year
President Obama,
canceled the
21st annual National Day
of Prayer ceremony
at the White
House under the rouse
Of "not wanting to offend anyone"

On September 25, 2009
from 4 am until 7 pm,
a National Day of Prayer
for the Muslim religion was Held on Capitol Hill,
Beside the White House.
There were over 50,000 Muslims that
Day in DC.

I guess it Doesn't matter
if "Christians"
Are offended by this event -
We obviously
Don't count as
"anyone" Anymore.

The direction
This country is headed
Should strike fear in the heart of every Christian.
Especially knowing that the
Muslim religion believes that if Christians cannot be
Converted they should be Annihilated

This is not a Rumor -
Go to the website
To confirm this info:
<> )
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