I told you so!

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I told you so!

Post by $parechange »

Barack Hussein Obama: I Told You So, Yes I Did
By Howard Galganov
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

When Obama won the presidency with the help of the leftist media, Hollywood and entertainment liberals, ethnic socialists (ACORN), stupid non-business professionals and Bush haters, I wrote: It won't take six months until the people figure this guy out and realize how horrible a mistake they've made and when they come to that realization, the damage to the United States of America will be so great it will take a generation or more to repair - IF EVER.

The idiots who not only voted for the messiah, but also worked hard to promote his lordship, are now left holding the bag.

Here are two things they will NEVER do: they will NEVER admit to making a blunder out of all proportion by electing a snake-oil salesman with no positive social history or management experience of any kind because he is black. They will NEVER take responsibility for the curse they've imposed upon the immediate and long-term future of their country.

In essence, the people responsible for putting this horror show in power are themselves responsible for every cataclysmic decision he makes and the consequences thereof.

In just six months, the messiah's polls are showing the following: on Healthcare Reform, he's going under for the third time with polling well under 50 percent, even within his own party. Even though he might be able to muscle a Healthcare Reform Bill by using Chicago bully tactics against his fellow Democrats, it will only make things worse.
On Cap and Trade (Cap and Tax), the fat lady is already singing. On the Stimulus Package (Tax and Spend), his popularity is in free fall. On the TARP package he took and ran with from President Bush, it's all but Good-Night Irene. On the closing of GITMO and "his" war on what he no longer wants called the War On Terrorism, he's standing in quicksand with his head just about to go under. On a comparison between himself and George W. Bush at the same six months into their respective first term presidencies, Bush is ahead of him in the polls. On a comparison between "he who walks on water" and the 12 preceding Presidents between WW II and now, Obama ranks 10th. On a poll just conducted, that asks who would you vote for today between Obama and Mitt Romney, it's a dead heat. Between Obama and Palin, Obama's only ahead by 8 points and she hasn't even begun to campaign!
It seems to me that Obama wants to be everywhere he shouldn't be. He's personally invested in totally insulting America's only real Middle Eastern ally ( Israel ) in favor of Palestinian despots and murderers. He's traveling the world apologizing for the USA while lecturing others on how to do it right, when in fact and truth he has no experience at doing anything other than getting elected.

He went to the Moslem world in Egypt to declare that America "is not a Christian nation" while he heaped praises on Islam, where he compared the "plight" of the Palestinians to the Holocaust.

The Russians think he's a putz. The French think he's rude. The Germans want him to stop spending. The Indians want him to get his nose out of their environmental business. The North Koreans think he's a joke. The Iranians won't acknowledge his calls. and the British can't even come up with a comprehensive opinion of him. As for the Chinese, he's too frightened to even glance their way. (After all, China now owns a large portion of the United States...)

Maybe if America's first emperor would stay home more, travel less, and work a little bit instead of being on television just about everyday (or forget about his Wednesday date nights with his amazon wife) or stop running to "papered" Town Hall Meetings, perhaps he would have a little bit of time to do the work of the nation.

In all fairness, it wasn't hard to be right in my prediction concerning Obama's presidency, even in its first six months, so I'm going to make yet another prediction: OBAMA WILL PROBABLY NOT FINISH HIS 4-YEAR TERM, at least not in a conventional way.

He is such a political horror show, and so detrimental to the USA and his own Democratic Party, that the Democrats themselves will either force him to resign or figure out a way to have him thrown out. Who knows, maybe he really isn't a born US Citizen and that's a way the Democrats will be able to get rid of him.

Or, more likely than not, the Democrats will make Obama THEIR OWN LAME DUCK PRESIDENT.

I don't believe the Democrats have nearly as much love for their country as they do for their own political fortunes. And with Obama, their fortunes are rapidly becoming toast.

The Democrats can keep on blaming Bush for everything, but that game's already begun to wear real thin.
Their mantra was "WE DON'T WANT 4 MORE YEARS," which the STUPID people bought, since McCain was nothing at all like George W. Bush.
The new mantra will soon become: "WE DON'T WANT 6 MORE MONTHS."
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Re: I told you so!

Post by onechick »

This must have left a pretty strong impression on you. You posted a variation of it on January 8 also!
I personally would enjoy reading something positive for a change. Can you find anything that may lift our spirits instead of the same old haters rhetoric? B-)
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Re: I told you so!

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Re: I told you so!

Post by Pac22 »

=)) =)) Reminds me of dolphin with the stock reports. :ymdevil:
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Re: I told you so!

Post by $parechange »

onechick wrote:This must have left a pretty strong impression on you. You posted a variation of it on January 8 also!
I personally would enjoy reading something positive for a change. Can you find anything that may lift our spirits instead of the same old haters rhetoric? B-)
If you can find something positive about what is going on, please feel free to post it. I am looking hard myself to find it.
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Re: I told you so!

Post by KYCanuck »

Positive, Hmmmm

I don't think it is fair or justified to blame all the problems of this country on one person, which is exactly what things like this do. The recession we have been going through was not caused by our current President, it was caused by greedy financial people and greedy people in general that purchased over their heads. Unfortunately these things need to be dealt with in a way that does not ruin this country and all it stands for.

Nobody likes the bailouts that have taken place but the alternative is 10's of millions of more people out of work and the potential for another great Depression in this country. The fact that we are not in that position is Positive as far as I am concerned.

As of today, the US is still the most powerful economy in the world, is the most powerful country in the world and we are still able to protect ourselves and others less fortunate than us. We have work to do to maintain this after the economic issues of the past year or so but this is NOT going to be cheap!

Everyone want their taxes reduced, fine but what are you willing to give up for it? Everyone wants to stop government 'waste' but does anyone stop to think of the 'People' who get paid to provide that waste, like your neighbor who has a government job? Is the solutionto put more people out of work? This would reduce Tax revenue putting more burdon on yourself.

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Re: I told you so!

Post by $parechange »

Again you have a great reply. There has always been debt. There has always been corruption, my complaint is O wants everything done right now. Why the rush. Yes he should take a lot of blame, he has surrounded himself with folks who have never been in business and all have an agenda to better themselves. This is the worst shape this country has ever been in except for the depression. And that is not far away.
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Re: I told you so!

Post by FasterThanYou »

KYCanuck wrote:
Everyone want their taxes reduced, fine but what are you willing to give up for it?
There's many things I'd like to give up. Such as the perks given to the Washington elite - private jets to take Pelosi wherever she desires. Ride first class and save us a bundle.

Here's some more:

$3.8 million for the Old Tiger Stadium Conservancy in Detroit;
$1.9 million for the Pleasure Beach water taxi service in Connecticut;
$1.8 million for swine odor and manure management research in Ames, Iowa;
$380,000 for a recreation and fairgrounds area in Kotzebue, Alaska;
$143,000 for the Greater New Haven Labor History Association in Connecticut;
$95,000 for the Canton Symphony Orchestra Association in Ohio; and
$71,000 for Dance Theater Etcetera in Brooklyn for its Tolerance through Arts initiative.

That's just pork spending, not some of the BS programs which cost us taxpayers dearly.

We're still awaiting the transparency in D.C. in which we were promised.

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Re: I told you so!

Post by KYCanuck »

Faster, keep in mind, these are things that 'You' would give up, what about all the people who are employed because of these project or initiatives, not to mention all the people in the cities, counties and States that benefit from these projects, I expect that they would all disagree with you.

I bet there is someone in Detriot that would say drop the repairs on the Wolf Creek Dam, just drain the lake and forget about it! Obviously this would hit you where it hurts and you would be really mad! What if one of those so called 'Pork' projects used products or services that were provided by your company and you lost your livelyhood from it, would you still say the same thing?

Keep in mind that for every thing like this that 'you' feel is waste there are thousands of other people who are depending on those projects for their paychecks!

It's easy to sit here and place judgment on something that appears to us to be waste. Right now our company is surviving in North America on all this 'Government Waste' and 'Pork' because that is all that is out there for us.

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Re: I told you so!

Post by KYCanuck »

Spare Change wrote:Again you have a great reply. There has always been debt. There has always been corruption, my complaint is O wants everything done right now. Why the rush. Yes he should take a lot of blame, he has surrounded himself with folks who have never been in business and all have an agenda to better themselves. This is the worst shape this country has ever been in except for the depression. And that is not far away.
I agree that he is putting a lot on out plates that we just don't need right now with all we have been through and still going through. But like every other President before him and probably after him he has his aspirations and agendas that he dreamed of realizing one day!

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Re: I told you so!

Post by FasterThanYou »

How come I knew that's exactly what you'd say? :))

Scrap the dam work. That may flood all of Nashville. But then again, it would provide a bunch of jobs to rebuild it. :D

Now on Tiger Stadium...............they got smart an demolished it a few months ago.

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Re: I told you so!

Post by KYCanuck »

[quote="FasterThanYou"]How come I knew that's exactly what you'd say? :)) quote]

I think it is kind of creepy that you know me that well!!!! :-o =)) =))

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Re: I told you so!

Post by re3too »

Kinda hard to compare dam work to swine manure and pig fart control. The lake contributes to the local economy and it's demise would affect many workers. Now the manure odor project is another whole matter. Pigs chit and fart, it stinks! How much money does it take to figure out it's a part of the life cycle? And what will the conclusion be? Bet it's something like "Pigs eat, therefore they defecate and have flatulance! It is our $1.8 million opinion that chit stinks! Get over it!" Sheesh! #-o #-o
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Re: I told you so!

Post by KYCanuck »

C'mon Pig Fart control is very important!!!! :)) :))

I hear you, all I'm saying is that the people hired to 'Control Pig Farts' are just like you and I trying to make a living, feed their families and all that. They are people like us who will pay taxes, buy homes and cars and purchase products and services that we all provide! If your going to cut that out, then be prepared to add to the problem! If it gets replaced with something that adds more value and still employs the same amount of people I am all for it, however the people that get displaced may not agree! ;)

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Re: I told you so!

Post by $parechange »

Then pay the poor bastards a wage and be done with it. Why does it take 15 MIL to figure out what RE3 said. By the way I eat and therefor I poop & FART!!!!!!!! Anyone wanna study this? =)) =)) =)) =))
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Re: I told you so!

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:ymsick: :ymsick: :ymsick:
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Re: I told you so!

Post by KYCanuck »

Spare Change wrote:By the way I eat and therefor I poop & FART!!!!!!!! Anyone wanna study this? =)) =)) =)) =))
Thats a way to put an end to a discussion! :ymsick: =)) =))

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Re: I told you so!

Post by FasterThanYou »

How about this? The government quits spending my money on failed programs and BS. In turn, they don't force me to pay so much in taxes. Therefore, I have more expendable income. I buy a bigger house (help supports banks, realtors, builders, lumber yards. etc.). I buy a bigger boat (boat dealership, marinas with more gas consumption, boat builders, and once again banks). I got out to eat more often (cattlemen, restaurateurs, servers, and banks once again since I'll pay via debit card or credit card). I buy a new car (you get the idea)

Also, quit hammering me for so much on my business taxes. It's difficult to put money back into a business when you pay so much in taxes. It makes it very difficult to expand and hire.

IMHO, the best way to stimulate this economy is to quit spending money on worthless things and give the money to those who are going to spend it on services/goods.

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Re: I told you so!

Post by E_ »

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Re: I told you so!

Post by FasterThanYou »

If only Congress would listen to me when I call/email them. ;)

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Re: I told you so!

Post by FasterThanYou »

Here's some more thoughts;

All of my federal taxes go to the armed forces/national security. If the feds weren't dishing out so much friggin money their wouldn't be so many lobbyists in Washington-make 'em get a job.

Oh wait, let's spend 2.5M on a one time commercial for the census during the Super Bowl........................NOT!!!!! Yes, your tax $$$ at work.

All state taxes go to education, roads, infrastructure, and the management of these programs/systems. The better the education system in your state, the more desirable to live there. If the states want to lure more business with tax incentives that's great. The more business and industry in the state, the more income taxes are paid. If a state wants to spend the money to make it a more desirable vacation destination, great. That's more tax dollars.

If we'd quit paying so much d@mn money to keep these folks in Washington living on our money and spending even more on BS to scratch each others backs we'd be better off.

I get more and more pissed off about government waste this time of year when I see my taxes :D

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Re: I told you so!

Post by Nervous Wreck »

Taxpayers to Fork Out $2.5 Million for Single Census Ad During Super Bowl

Taxpayers might want to pay close attention to this Sunday's Super Bowl broadcast or they'll miss Uncle Sam's 30-second, $2.5-million reminder to stand up and be counted.

That's what the Census Bureau paid CBS to get their message notched somewhere between a National Lampoon reprisal, a weird dude with big glasses, a beer-can house and men without pants.

And, that's just a fraction of what the bureau plans to spend this year to get Americans to answer a simple, 10-question survey.

The bureau is spending $133 million between January and May -- or, more than $13 million for each of 10 questions, one of which reads: What is your telephone number? -- to publicize the national head-count. Part of that effort is the Super Bowl ad, which Kendall Johnson, a spokeswoman for the bureau, confirmed Wednesday to FoxNews.com cost $2.5 million to air. The ad, produced by actor and director Christopher Guest, also will appear in other media, Johnson said.

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/02 ... latestnews
Can't say I quite agree with this one. Who does it benefit?
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Re: I told you so!

Post by $parechange »

This morning I was listing to a talk show and the guy was bashing the school system in DeKalb county, and rightly so. They are taking 200 teachers to Hollowood to meet other teachers and get thier feedback on how to better education at a cost of $400,000.00. Well I can answer that, in the US our kids go to school 180 days a year. In Japan they go 230. Over there they get a real education and do not tolerate BS in school. Where in the US the kids have no dress code, barly pass grades and act like America owes them something. Spend the money and bring over the educators from Japan over here and let them explain how this works. OH and I forgot to mention this, IT IS STIMULAS MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o X(

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Re: I told you so!

Post by E_ »

Jeff your message on education would come across better if you used spell check... =))
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Re: I told you so!

Post by re3too »

E_HILLMAN wrote:Jeff your message on education would come across better if you used spell check... =))
Look out! :-o Here comes another "FUE"! =))
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Re: I told you so!

Post by katie »

E_HILLMAN wrote:Jeff your message on education would come across better if you used spell check... =))

:D awwwwe, c'mon E, cut pappaw some slack, he was conceived at the end of WWII, I think those boys came back with some "neon blood" ;)
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Re: I told you so!

Post by onechick »

Spare Change wrote:This morning I was listing to a talk show and the guy was bashing the school system in DeKalb county, and rightly so. They are taking 200 teachers to Hollowood to meet other teachers and get thier feedback on how to better education at a cost of $400,000.00. Well I can answer that, in the US our kids go to school 180 days a year. In Japan they go 230. Over there they get a real education and do not tolerate BS in school. Where in the US the kids have no dress code, barly pass grades and act like America owes them something. Spend the money and bring over the educators from Japan over here and let them explain how this works. OH and I forgot to mention this, IT IS STIMULAS MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o X(

Your tax dollars atr work! 8-} :-w

The problems our students have is much more to do with their parents than the educators or the curriculum. In my opinion, and it is harsh, many parents are pansies when it comes to their kids. Giving a trophy for participation, not performance. Labeling dumba$$ decisions as poor choices. These well intentioned misinformed people have and are creating humans that cannot function in a normal way. They are the ones that expect something for nothing. When faced with adversity they panic or lash out in anger. The parents that raise these self absorbed, clueless children would have a hissy fit if administrators tried to impose the kind of discipline Japan and other countries expect from their students.
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Re: I told you so!

Post by FasterThanYou »

Thank God our kids are getting A's in all their classes. :)

I have to agree with onechick on this one. Most of these kids have a sense on entitlement and don't want to work for crap. :-s

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Re: I told you so!

Post by re3too »

As a former educator, I have to agree with onechick also. The stories I could tell.... :( :( :(
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Re: I told you so!

Post by katie »

I'm all in with Onechick too. Heck, in Japan the moms stay home, dad works his life away, and 3 generations are living in one household!!! There is a lot of education (scholarly and moral) to be had.

Remember when the Vietnamese came to America? We didn't like it, but these people had the english language down pat in no time with straight A's in school from the students..... Priority, Priority, Priority.... :|
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Re: I told you so!

Post by $parechange »

First a big FUE!!! I feel for the teachers, they are to underpaid! Unfortunately One chick is correct. A school teacher gets (and I am guessing) maybe $65K and a coach gets $200,000.00K. I guess I am lost on an answer for this one.
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Re: I told you so!

Post by FasterThanYou »

You're way off Jeff. Many teachers barely make 30K :(

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Re: I told you so!

Post by KYCanuck »

Spare Change wrote:First a big FUE!!! I feel for the teachers, they are to underpaid! Unfortunately One chick is correct. A school teacher gets (and I am guessing) maybe $65K and a coach gets $200,000.00K. I guess I am lost on an answer for this one.
This was a HUGE cultural change for us when we moved here. Back in Canada you knew a school by their academic achievements and not their Football Team or Basket Ball team. It is the same for Colleges and Universities, where if someone mentioned a specific University you knew what they teached or specialized in. Here you mention a specific university or college and the first words out of most people's mouths is the name of their sports team and their recent and past record!
I'm not against sports and I enjoy it as much as anyone but, it overshadows the academics in this country! Not to mention what is paid to the coaches and their staff, this does nothing but drive up the cost for the students that are there to actually learn things and reduces the resources available for those groups!

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