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Forum Parties, will they fade away?

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 9:15 am
by E_
Guys, I've given it right at 6 years on working on the forum parties and am thinking about retiring from it. I hate to see them not happen but believe it or not talking to bands, Marinas, matching up schedules, getting custom shirts (even if they are not all THAT cool) takes a lot of time for one person. I also have not been able to truly enjoy a gathering for the past few years due to not having many volunteers other than LC Addict to help with keeping Cornhole scores (which I hate), rounding things up, etc.

I would LOVE for someone from this forum to take on those duties and work with Waterwings and LCDC with contacting Marina's, attending the party and coordinating with the Marina staff, the band, etc.

I can tell you Jamestown Marina doesn't want to pay a band in cash thus if they issue a check they, have to put into payroll, report on taxes etc. etc. As long as I am boating if there was a party there each year I would be willing to continue my trade out of paying the band the cash (up to the normal yearly storage unit fee of $700 some years I got lucky with $600) but other than that Frieda is great to work with and I truly love working with her and the JRM staff.

Grider did a pretty good job IMO this spring and even added some swag to the Cornhole tourney prizes. Not sure how often they would want the gathering but I always have fun there.

I think it would be nice to hit LFM up at some point with their new redone deck area and serving beer on the dock. It could go quite well if JDis interested and no longer supposedly not to happy with another boating forum.

The last gathering at State they made everyone run on generators and also tried to combine with another gathering that was for cost and it did not maintain a very "happy" environment. I spoke to a rep and was told they didn't think they would try that again but they still didn't seem too excited either so I have just let it go for now.

Wolf Creek I would think would be fun but they do not have boatels and that is one way we have been able to corerce bands for lower costs to the Marina and also MOST years (aside from this fall) there are several attendees that like having boatels as well.

Thoughts? Anyone want it?

I hate to see them stop and go to the wayside. Maybe someone else could get better buy in and attendance on them. I will still do what I can to promote the parties and gatherings. I just don't want to coordinate and MOST IMPORTANTLY I can't promise I can make it every time and here lately LC and I have been the only Forum Reps that are there for the entire day Saturday and Sunday morning to work with the Marina, Band, etc. Waterwings has expressed he would help but he is also pretty busy and he has not been able to make all the parties. Aside from him and a couple VERY brief cameo appearances from others, as well as me placing their logo on the shirts - that has been the only participation from the other site.

I tried to coerce Bubbles as she sure seems to be good at it and loves both sites but she too has things holding her back at the moment.

Like I said I don't want to see them stop but I am not going to have the same time to give to these and as stated above I really don't know if I can always make it down for them and that is a must that SOMEONE be there regardless.


That all being said, I'll still keep this site running. It doesn't really take too much of my time to maintain it anymore aside from $. I just need to back off the Parties as it has drained me quite a bit keeping up with them, working with the Marina's and then fielding complaints (like it is something I make money off of when really I get $0 and by the time I am done with the shirts, a few other goodies, etc. I am normally out a couple hundred dollars myself with each party plus my time and I never really get to relax fully to enjoy them anymore without having others involved). ESPECIALLY with a low turnout as I get most of my joy seeing others happy and having fun and I get stressed we are not making it of value to the hosting marina. When people tend to find stuff to gripe about instead of loving the gatherings (like LC, Islander, and a few truly do) even though LC and the gang stay positive it still gets washed over by the "users" whining. lol Heck I can't even get people to volunteer run the Cornhole tournaments. I really want to keep them going since the gatherings are sometimes the only times I see some of you guys but I am just burnt on the coordination part.

Sorry to be a Debbie Downer on a Friday but I figured I better give everyone a heads up now so maybe someone will raise their hand and get started on the Spring gathering. I would be VERY happy to guide and help someone. They just need to always try to include BOTH Forums, be inviting of other forums (I recently tried to involve LakeCumberlandLiving) and not make the gatherings closed but instead keep them open to all lovers of Lake Cumberland. AND Keep them family friendly.


Re: Forum Parties, will they fade away?

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 8:44 pm
by E_
It was brought to my attention no one could reply. Hopefully that has been fixed.

Re: Forum Parties, will they fade away?

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 10:24 pm
by Captain Bob
I believe that it has. Thanks. ;)

And thanks to you, E (and to those who have helped you) for all the work that you have put into these gatherings. :ymapplause:

Hopefully, someone will step forward and take the reins so these parties (or whatever folks choose to call them) can continue.

Re: Forum Parties, will they fade away?

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 9:10 am
by E_
Thanks Bob, it sure doesn't seem like anyone wants to press forward with these events so it appears the curtain is starting to close as Spring Party planning needs to begin right about now.

Re: Forum Parties, will they fade away?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 11:38 am
by E_
Jamestown Marina said they were still interested in the Fall Party, Grider said they were still interested as well...

Pretty much we just need someone to step up and say they will remain in contact with the marina mgt, find a band that meets the budget, and then SHOW UP for the party and help coordinate the potluck, cornhole, band.... (or change things up...)

But the Marinas will need to know something in the next couple of months....

Re: Forum Parties, will they fade away?

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 10:19 pm
by E_
:-( 2015 first year on a long time without a dock party.

Re: Forum Parties, will they fade away?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 2:36 pm
by E_

Re: Forum Parties, will they fade away?

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 8:45 am
by TheOneAndOnlyROOSTER
Drop the potluck, just have the party...

Re: Forum Parties, will they fade away?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:09 pm
by E_
Just in case someone sees this, I think most know but we had some volunteers step up and there WILL be a spring party at Grider Hill Marina. There is a thread on this forum with info as well as a event in the Lake Cumberland Facebook Page events list.

Re: Forum Parties, will they fade away?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 8:29 am
by E_
Well as many have figured out the Spring Party was revived by TCassidy and a few others and will be at Grider Hill May 16. There is NOT a Fall party scheduled. Last I spoke to JRM they were willing to host one again but that was a couple months ago. If there are volunteers to coordinate a fall party and that will most certainly attend and assist with the band and work with the marina event coordinator, run a cornhole tourney if attendees are interested, coordinate the potluck (basically just point where the food goes). I can get the ball rolling with a Marina. I just can't guarantee I can be there thus why I have not arranged one for this fall. Don't even know if they still have a available weekend etc. but if you do want to volunteer let me know and I will see what we can make happen.

BTW, if a FB event is anywhere near a accurate indicator then the Spring Party at Grider this year looks to be forecasted to have a pretty exceptional attendance...

Re: Forum Parties, will they fade away?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 1:20 pm
by E_

Re: Forum Parties, will they fade away?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 1:42 pm
by Fall Creek
just goes to show that you are a great leader E! good work all those years putting it together!

Re: Forum Parties, will they fade away?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 2:04 pm
by E_
I just can't be there for them right now. It used to be I could leave work Friday early, head down and get things rolling or at least be down early Saturday but now I am so booked during the week I have to make up home time on the weekends. I hate to see them not happen as I loved everyone from the internet getting to meet each other and solidify web friendships etc.